
Airdraw 2 and Wrightlon® 7400

Airdraw 2 and Wrightlon® 7400 Embossed have embossed pattern that provides network of air passageways, eliminating the need for a separate layer of breather.

Wrightlon® 4600

Wrightlon® 4600 隔离膜是一种低成本的高温隔离膜,用于平坦的或有限曲率的模具成型工艺,固化温度可达 380°F (193°C).

BBH 1080 Hose

BBH 1080是一个持久的高温高压高压软管。软管构成包括一个内部全部被不锈钢编织缠绕的不锈钢软管。

Masterflex “S” 系列柔性方螺旋管

The Masterflex ''S''是柔性方螺旋管,在工装面背面增强,作为加强筋材料使用。 Masterflex 增强工装表面刚性,避免工装尺寸稳定性出现问题。

Stretchlon® 700

Stretchlon® 700 vacuum bag film is a high elongation elastomeric film which is designed for cures up to 385°F (195°C). It is particularly suitable for applications where softness and elongation are required.

Teflease MG2

Teflease MG 2 是一款涂有硅胶的 PTFE 膜。Teflease MG 胶带将从大多数的树脂系统脱模。它们适用于刀架和需要高延性和脱模的所有区域。





Airflow 100R

Airflow 100R 可用于一端或两端为90度的固定端头。耐高温,可用于热压罐。


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